Describe Conflicts or Dilemmas That May Arise between the Duty of Care and an Individual’s Rights

  • Course: Level 3 Diploma in Care (RQF)
  • Unit 4: Duty of Care in Care Setting
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    What is an Ethical Dilemma in Health and Social Care?

    In healthcare, ethical dilemmas refer to the challenging situations and circumstances that arise in conflict between two persons. Ethical dilemmas can create complexities for healthcare professionals and nurses while delivering patient care. They also face many ethical dilemmas when balancing the conflict of interests and adhering to ethical standards and requirements. For example, many nurses and healthcare professionals face the problems of patient autonomy while they follow beneficence to provide patient care. Autonomy to patients involves providing exclusive rights to the patients to make healthcare-related decisions easily. On the other hand, beneficence states that nurses and healthcare professionals perform their duties well to fulfil patients’ interests effectively.

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    Examples of Dilemmas between Duty of Care and Individuals Rights

    If a patient is diagnosed with HIV Aids, they can avoid or refuse to acquire a particular treatment due to its concerns. Hence, in that case, healthcare professionals have brought themselves into a challenging situation where they have to respect and value the patient’s autonomy with considering the drastic outcomes of their decisions on the patient.

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    Describe Dilemmas That May Arise between the Duty of Care and an Individual’s Rights Due to the Lack of Resource

    In addition, healthcare providers can also face ethical dilemmas when they experience a lack of resources to allocate appropriately. These resources can be related to a lack of beds or medicine during unforeseen situations. Hence, in that situation, healthcare professionals had to make challenging decisions to avoid disrupting the treatment processes. Decisions mainly cover balancing the standards of equity and justice in healthcare and providing resources reasonably to all patients. Patient privacy and data confidentiality are also critical aspects in healthcare perspectives. However, in many cases, they can experience a conflict of interest in providing quality care to the patients. For instance, if a patient reveals any sensitive information about himself related to drug addiction or facing mental torture, healthcare providers can experience an ethical dilemma.

    Besides that, healthcare professionals are obliged to respect and secure the confidentiality of the patients. In comparison, they must perform their duties well to protect the patients' lives. Hence, balancing between ensuring the patient's safety and maintaining trust can become a challenging task for them. Presently, one of the most significant ethical dilemmas is making end-of-life-related decisions. For example, when a patient has reached the critical stage with minimal chances of recovery, healthcare providers have to make a difficult decision by navigating the beneficence and patient’s autonomy and by considering the wishes and minimizing the pain of suffering can become an emotional situation for them.

    Conflicts or Ethical Dilemmas

    In the UK, many healthcare professionals face ethical dilemmas and conflicts. At the same time, they perform their duty of providing quality care to patients and maintaining the rights of individuals within healthcare settings. The duty of patient care defines several responsibilities and roles that healthcare providers execute to provide quality care services. Hence, to resolve ethical dilemmas and conflicts in a healthcare setting. The UK government introduced a variety of laws and regulations that they can follow to avoid these issues. Firstly, the Human Rights Act 1998 defines the assurance of human rights in the UK. In healthcare, the act ensures strict adherence to the patients’ rights related to autonomy and respect.

    Secondly, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides a basic foundation for healthcare professionals to make better healthcare decisions in place of patients with less capacity to make better decisions regarding their health. Furthermore, Health and Social Care 2008 is another significant law defining the legal aspects of examining different healthcare services in the UK. In addition, the act also defines the different responsibilities and roles of healthcare professionals to ensure patient safety and quality care. GMC guidelines is a professional healthcare body that offers complete instructions and guidelines to healthcare service providers on maintaining and ensuring ethical practices and standards. In addition, GMC instructions allow healthcare professionals to focus on specific concepts, including taking patient consent before treatment, data protection, and effective resource allocation. By focusing on these aspects, they can avoid being involved in any ethical dilemma in patient care.

    Moreover, the legal frameworks are implemented based on the court’s jurisdiction. Legal frameworks have great importance in allowing healthcare professionals to resolve ethical dilemmas. At the same time, the legal framework also helps them to make better decisions. By adhering to legal principles and frameworks, healthcare organizations can successfully provide high-quality treatment, eventually resulting in higher satisfaction levels.

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